Thursday, December 3, 2020

from Abigail...

Never had to take my Christmas tree down before Christmas, but here goes...🤪

Jack completed the 1 year Bible program at West Coast and began classes at The University of South Florida. 
I decided to move to Tennessee and study at The Crown College of the Bible with 2 weeks notice.

Jack graduated with Bachelors in Business, travelled to India and Israel, came to Crown with 2 weeks notice, as well.
I studied in England for 4 months, then travelled in a tour group for the summer and visited Canada (which was also a very last minute decision lol).
Jack and I met August of 2018. 😍🙌🏼🥰

Engaged March 4th.
We were married August 3rd. 

Holland was born in October.
And now we are moving to Florida December 11th!

All that to say, there is a pattern. Lol.
We have been planning to move closer to Jack's family on January 31st. But it seems the Lord has opened a door for us to go early!
We are so sad to be leaving Knoxville, but also thrilled about what the Lord has in store for us in Florida.
We pray God's continued grace as we follow Him all over His beautiful creation!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Little Miss Holland ♥

This past week, Abigail Hawks Mitten was blessed with the birth of her little girl, Holland.  The Lord gave her a good, short, and safe delivery.  We are thankful that both baby and mother are doing great!  Little Miss Holland is the 4th generation to carry the middle name of Ruth. 
Our hearts are full!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Baby Shower! ❤

Our family and friends came together earlier this week to throw a Treehouse Baby Shower for Abigail and her husband, Jack Mitten. Their baby girl is due in October. We are so blessed!
Please keep them in your prayers. Thank you!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

TGFC - Men's Trio

We are happy to announce a new men's trio, This Generation for Christ, featuring Caleb Moore (Rebekah's husband) and friends Forester Myers and Seth Siceloff.
For more information, please scroll down on our Order page.