For a quicker transaction, please include
(1) which CDs you want to purchase
(2) your preferred method of payment (see below)
(3) your full name for mailing purposes
(4) your mailing address -- Shipping prices are listed below; we just need the address (1) so that we can add it to the invoice to make sure we ship your order to the correct person, and (2) to confirm shipping costs for your location before sending the invoice.
Important -
--Please be sure to include your mailing address with your order. We use PirateShip.com instead of PayPal to print out the shipping label.
--After your email us your order, we will send you an invoice.
We do ship internationally! 🙂 We have had orders from Canada, England, Germany, Australia, France, New Zealand, Japan, Ireland, the Philippines, and Vanuatu!
►Method of payment:
--PayPal - After emailing us the above information, you will be emailed an invoice thru PayPal. After we receive your payment, we will mail your CDs the next business day, but allow up to 10 days* for actual delivery.
You do NOT need a PayPal account, and can pay the PayPal invoice with a debit or credit card.
--Money order - You may obtain these at your bank, the post office, or other stores such as Walmart. Our Walmart charges only $0.70 for a money order. Allow about 3 weeks* for delivery.
--Checks - On the advice of our bank, checks will need a wait period of an additional 3 weeks after cashing to be sure they've cleared. If you prefer to pay by check, allow up to 6 weeks* for delivery.
*These delivery estimates are for the 48 contiguous United States only.
Usually we get the CDs delivered much quicker than this for states nearer to North Carolina, but occasionally there may be inevitable delays, and/or someone may live further away.
►Love Gift:
--Sound Tracks (ST#2, ST#3, ST#4, ST#F) -- $6.00 each
The sound tracks ONLY have music; no singing.
--CD #1 -- $6.00 each
This CD does not have a corresponding sound track.
--All other CDs (#3, #4, TGFC#1) -- $10 each.
CD #2 is no longer in stock.
►Shipping + Packaging:
For CD #1 only, there is no additional shipping when ordering any other CDs, (This applies for one CD #1 per order. Additional CD #1s will incur shipping charges as listed below).
--Within the 48 contiguous United States:
*Media Mail -- 1 CD - $5.00; 2 CDs - $5.50; 3 CDs - $6.00; 4 CDs - $6.50
*Priority Mail - add $5.00 to media mail price
--Don't worry, your CDs will be sent via Media Mail unless you specify otherwise. 🙂
We do still have Sound Tracks.
►Nearly all the songs from CDs #2 and #3 are on YouTube of the girls singing at various churches.
CD #3 - It's Under the Blood (2014)
Sound Track - ST#3 - It's Under the Blood
♫There are 2 different Sound Tracks titled It's Under the Blood so we will need the number please. 🙂
--13 tracks - the exact piano music from the original CD, and in the same key that is on the original CD.
The sound tracks do not include singing.
1. Depths of the Sea
2. Before the World Began (listen)
(written by Abigail's mom)
3. Jesus, How Could You Have Loved Me So?
4. I Talked to Him Today
5. He's Been Faithful
6. To Rescue a Sinner Like Me (listen)
7. I Come Before His Presence with Singing
8. The Blood Still Sets Men Free
9. It's Under the Blood (listen)
10. If Not For Grace (facebook audio)
11. I Have Been Rescued
12. Beyond the Cross
13. Man of My Dreams
(written by Abigail Hawks Mitten and Rebekah Hawks Moore;
played by Abigail and sung by Rebekah at her wedding)
►Nearly all the songs from CDs #2 and #3 are on YouTube of the girls singing at various churches.
CD #4 - The Story that Lives (2017)
Sound Track - ST#4 - The Story that Lives
-- 9 tracks - the exact piano music from the original CD, and in the same key that is on the original CD.
(NOTE - Song #7 is a cappella, and is not on the sound track)
The sound tracks do not include singing.
1. All Creatures of Our God and King
5. I Cannot Tell (YouTube scenic audio; facebook audio)
This Generation for Christ CDs
Caleb Moore (Rebekah's husband) and friends Forester Myers and Seth Siceloff
For CD #1 only, there is no additional shipping when ordering any other CDs, (This applies for one CD #1 per order. Additional CD #1s will incur shipping charges as listed below).
--Don't worry, your CDs will be sent via Media Mail unless you specify otherwise. 🙂
--Outside of the 48 contiguous United States: (Hawaii, Alaska, other countries) We will use your mailing address to calculate Shipping, then we will email you the total for confirmation.
*All shipping charges cover cost of shipping materials as well as PayPal fees.
►Sheet Music:
Since the girls all play by ear, they have never really needed to look for sheet music for the songs they sing, so regretfully, we don't really know where to purchase any.
We only have sheet music for 1 song - "It's Under the Blood" in the key of F (The Hawks Trio sings it in C) which was provided to us from Bro. Leonard Fletcher, the author. He told us we can give it to anyone who asks. 🙂 Just email thehawkstrio@gmail.com, and it will be emailed to you at no charge, as a PDF attachment.
►Song Lyrics
We have all the song lyrics for CDs #1, 2, 3, and 4, free of charge. (47 songs!)
Lyrics for "Lord, Give me Love" and "It's Under the Blood" are also available in Spanish.
Just email thehawkstrio@gmail.com, and any or all you request will be emailed to you.
*All shipping charges cover cost of shipping materials as well as PayPal fees.
►Sheet Music:
Since the girls all play by ear, they have never really needed to look for sheet music for the songs they sing, so regretfully, we don't really know where to purchase any.
We only have sheet music for 1 song - "It's Under the Blood" in the key of F (The Hawks Trio sings it in C) which was provided to us from Bro. Leonard Fletcher, the author. He told us we can give it to anyone who asks. 🙂 Just email thehawkstrio@gmail.com, and it will be emailed to you at no charge, as a PDF attachment.
►Song Lyrics
We have all the song lyrics for CDs #1, 2, 3, and 4, free of charge. (47 songs!)
Lyrics for "Lord, Give me Love" and "It's Under the Blood" are also available in Spanish.
Just email thehawkstrio@gmail.com, and any or all you request will be emailed to you.
Please specify whether you would like PDF files (should open on any computer), or word documents (these are Microsoft Word, but are editable). You can have both if you prefer. =)
If I forget to attach something, feel free to email back! 😊
Thank you!
The Hawks Trio CDs
CD #1 - The Great I AM Still Is (2011)
We do not have a sound track for this CD.
This CD was made in December, 2010, at the girls' grandpa's house, but wasn't ready until early 2011.
At the time of recording, Bethany was 13, and Abigail and Rebekah were almost 15 and 16.
For this CD only, there is no additional shipping when ordering other CDs.
(This applies to one CD #1 per order.)
1. Precious Jesus
2. He Left It All (listen)
3. Tell Me the Story
4. The Light That Shines in Me
5. How Deep the Father's Love
6. I'm a Soldier
7. Give Him the Glory
8. Every Need Supplied
9. Claim His Name (listen)
10. No One Else
11. The Value of One
12. The Great I AM Still Is (listen)
If I forget to attach something, feel free to email back! 😊
Thank you!
The Hawks Trio CDs
CD #1 - The Great I AM Still Is (2011)
We do not have a sound track for this CD.
This CD was made in December, 2010, at the girls' grandpa's house, but wasn't ready until early 2011.
At the time of recording, Bethany was 13, and Abigail and Rebekah were almost 15 and 16.
For this CD only, there is no additional shipping when ordering other CDs.
(This applies to one CD #1 per order.)
1. Precious Jesus
2. He Left It All (listen)
3. Tell Me the Story
4. The Light That Shines in Me
5. How Deep the Father's Love
6. I'm a Soldier
7. Give Him the Glory
8. Every Need Supplied
9. Claim His Name (listen)
10. No One Else
11. The Value of One
12. The Great I AM Still Is (listen)
CD #2 –
Only One Way (2013)
We do still have Sound Tracks.
Sound Track - ST#2 - Only One Way
--12 tracks - the exact piano music from the original CD, and in the same key that is on the original CD.
The sound tracks do not include singing.
1. Heaven Came Down (listen)
--12 tracks - the exact piano music from the original CD, and in the same key that is on the original CD.
The sound tracks do not include singing.

2. Only One Way (listen)
3. I’ll Say Thanks (How Could I Look Upon the Cross...)
4. Justified
5. Complete in Thee (YouTube scenic audio; facebook audio)
6. I Thank God for Grace
8. The Way of the Cross
9. Never the Same
10. Yes, Lord, Yes
11. To Count for Jesus (listen; YouTube scenic audio)
12. Preach, Preacher, Preach
(written by Abigail’s dad)
►Nearly all the songs from CDs #2 and #3 are on YouTube of the girls singing at various churches.
CD #3 - It's Under the Blood (2014)
Sound Track - ST#3 - It's Under the Blood
♫There are 2 different Sound Tracks titled It's Under the Blood so we will need the number please. 🙂
--13 tracks - the exact piano music from the original CD, and in the same key that is on the original CD.
The sound tracks do not include singing.

2. Before the World Began (listen)
(written by Abigail's mom)
3. Jesus, How Could You Have Loved Me So?
4. I Talked to Him Today
5. He's Been Faithful
6. To Rescue a Sinner Like Me (listen)
7. I Come Before His Presence with Singing
8. The Blood Still Sets Men Free
9. It's Under the Blood (listen)
10. If Not For Grace (facebook audio)
11. I Have Been Rescued
12. Beyond the Cross
13. Man of My Dreams
(written by Abigail Hawks Mitten and Rebekah Hawks Moore;
played by Abigail and sung by Rebekah at her wedding)
►Nearly all the songs from CDs #2 and #3 are on YouTube of the girls singing at various churches.

Sound Track - ST#4 - The Story that Lives
-- 9 tracks - the exact piano music from the original CD, and in the same key that is on the original CD.
(NOTE - Song #7 is a cappella, and is not on the sound track)
The sound tracks do not include singing.
1. All Creatures of Our God and King
2. This is My Father's World
3. I Know Whom I have Believed
4. Here is Love (YouTube scenic audio; facebook audio)

6. Nearer, Still Nearer (Audio)
7. There is a Fountain (listen)
8. Jesus Saves (listen)
10. Lord, Give Me Love (cellphone video)
(written by Bethany Hawks and Eden Hunt, while on
a mission trip in England, spring semester, 2016.)
(written by Bethany Hawks and Eden Hunt, while on
a mission trip in England, spring semester, 2016.)
This Generation for Christ CDs
Caleb Moore (Rebekah's husband) and friends Forester Myers and Seth Siceloff
1. I Sing Because (Audio)
2. He Hideth my Soul
3. We Will Stand Our Ground (Audio)
4. I Thank God for Grace
5. It's Still the Blood
6. The Longer I Serve Him
7. Thank You, Lord
8. Heaven's My Home
9. Never Crucify Him Again
10. His Grace is Sufficient
11. Closer Home (Audio)
12. By Faith (Audio) This is Rebekah's husband, Caleb.
Sound Tracks
$6.00 each
(We have sound tracks for CDs #2, #3, and #4, and the single music track for Bro. Fletcher's song, ST#F.)
These sound tracks have all the music (no singing) that is on the original CDs. The music is the exact same piano music pulled from those CDs.
Since these will likely be carried around more, we decided to put all sound track CDs in a flexible plastic case for more durability.
Click to see pics of CDs out of the case.
Sound Track - ST#F
Single Track - It's Under the Blood - key of F
♫There are 2 different Sound Tracks titled It's Under the Blood so we will need the number please. 🙂
Bro. Leonard Fletcher pastor of Dyson Grove Baptist Church in Tennessee has graciously given us permission to sell the sound track for the single song It's Under the Blood. This is the same track the Fletcher family sings it with on their CD, New Seasons. He just gave us the track and did not ask for any compensation at all! We decided all profit will go to him.
The Hawks Trio does not sell the Fletcher Family CD below (with the singing).
We only sell the soundtrack for this song.
We were given permission by Bro. Leonard Fletcher to upload this song for the purpose of letting people know how their soundtrack music sounds.
Both versions are loaded here so that you can see which music style you prefer and/or which key works for you.
Key of F - This music is on Soundtrack ST#F
Key of C - This music is on Soundtrack ST#3 (Includes all 13 music tracks from CD #3)
The Moore Family CDs
The Moore Family CDs may be purchased on their website, Utah4Christ.com.
(This is Rebekah's husband's family)
You may hear samples of some of their songs here. This list does include songs that are not on their CDs, however, so check their website for the songs on each CD.
Sound Tracks
$6.00 each
(We have sound tracks for CDs #2, #3, and #4, and the single music track for Bro. Fletcher's song, ST#F.)
These sound tracks have all the music (no singing) that is on the original CDs. The music is the exact same piano music pulled from those CDs.
Since these will likely be carried around more, we decided to put all sound track CDs in a flexible plastic case for more durability.
Click to see pics of CDs out of the case.
Sound Track - ST#F
Single Track - It's Under the Blood - key of F
♫There are 2 different Sound Tracks titled It's Under the Blood so we will need the number please. 🙂

The Hawks Trio does not sell the Fletcher Family CD below (with the singing).
We only sell the soundtrack for this song.
We were given permission by Bro. Leonard Fletcher to upload this song for the purpose of letting people know how their soundtrack music sounds.
Both versions are loaded here so that you can see which music style you prefer and/or which key works for you.
Key of F - This music is on Soundtrack ST#F
Key of C - This music is on Soundtrack ST#3 (Includes all 13 music tracks from CD #3)
The Moore Family CDs
The Moore Family CDs may be purchased on their website, Utah4Christ.com.
(This is Rebekah's husband's family)
You may hear samples of some of their songs here. This list does include songs that are not on their CDs, however, so check their website for the songs on each CD.
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Assembling several orders... |
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I absolutely love this music. Want to get CD#3 and Soundtrack B. I heard "It's Under the Blood" for the first time in 2 different churches in Thomasville, NC last September. What a powerful, moving song. Thank you, Pastor Fletcher, for obeying the Lord in writing it and having it recorded. It's my testimony, too.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Aleta! We love that song too. =)
DeleteI will need you to email me your address, and if you would like to pay through PayPal, I will send the invoice to your email.
Please email us at thehawkstrio@gmail.com
Thank you!
Marty, Mom to Rebekah & Bethany, aunt to Abigail
how do I get the sheet music for its under the blood
ReplyDeleteJust email and ask. =) That's it! We will email it to you free of charge. =) =)
DeleteIs Cd #3 one that you can use to sing a special with (without word?) It's Under the Blood?
ReplyDeleteCDs that are numbered have the singing with them. The CDs with letters are the sound tracks. =)
DeleteCD #2 and Sound Track A have the same songs; CD #3 and Sound Track B have the same songs.
Sorry for the confusion. =) =)
UPDATE: The above reply has changed. The Sound Tracks now also include the same # as the Original CD #. =)
DeleteIs there any way I can get lyrics for "Preach,Preacher,Preach"?
ReplyDeleteYes, just email thehawkstrio@gmail.com and we will send them to you.
DeleteWe have the lyrics available for all the songs on CD #2 and #3, and you can have any and all that you want. =)
OK thank you. I have sent an e-mail for the songs i want.
DeleteYou're welcome! I will send them now. =)
DeleteMarty I would love to purchase It's Under The Blood soundtracks in both keys C and F. Please contact me and tell me how I can send payment for them. I have a Facebook page and I have also emailed you.Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHello, Vickie, I emailed you. =) =)
DeleteHi, we purchased soundtracks A & B and love all the songs! Can I purchase either a soundtrack or sheet music for:
ReplyDeleteThe Great I AM Still Is and He Left It All?
Thank you!
Oh, I am sorry, but we don't have soundtracks or sheet music for either of those songs. I wish we had it for all of them! =)
DeleteHello, i was wondering if you considered your piano soundtracks low voice, medium voice, or high voice. I use piano soundtracks to sing in church (we are a small church plant), but I have a really low voice so i was wondering if these would work for me. :)
ReplyDeleteI would say they're medium-low or low, but I'm not an expert on that, lol, but here is a link to the YouTube playlist, and most of the songs on the CDs are on that list.
DeleteMany are recorded with cell phones, and some may have poor quality because of microphones, acoustics, etc, but they are most likely sung in the keys that they sing it in on the CD also, or very close.
Hope that helps! =)
Hi, I was wondering if you have some sheet music for "To rescue a sinner like me"? I love to have one. Thank you very much. God bless you. :)
I am sorry; we only have sheet music for one song - "It's Under the Blood," as it was provided to us by Bro. Leonard Fletcher, the author. =)
DeleteI'm sorry I couldn't help you more!
Would love to get the sheet music for its under the blood if at all possible!
ReplyDeleteSure! Just email thehawkstrio@gmail.com and we will email it to you. =)
DeleteHi! I emailed for the sheet music for "It's Under the Blood," our girls group in California really wants to sing it. I'd love to get a response on if you still have it? Thank you so much for your ministry!!
ReplyDeleteDeborah, I apologize! I searched our email for your name and found that your email had gone to Spam! So I started looking through the Spam, and including yours, there were 6 emails to the trio, that were in Spam! It only retains emails from the last 30 days, so now I'm wondering how many more people have emailed that never got a reply. =\
DeleteThank you so much for leaving a comment here. I will send the sheet music to you right away. =)
Hello, I would love to purchase the sound track for cd #7. Thank you so much! Jenny Hall
ReplyDeleteHello, I'm sorry... I wish we had tracks for all of them, but we only have sound tracks for CDs #2, #3, and #4.
DeleteI apologize and will edit the page to make that a little more clear.
Hi there! I was wondering if the sheet music for "It's Under the Blood" is still available at all? If so, I would love to get it! Many thanks in advance :)
ReplyDeleteHi, Rachel! Yes, we do have the sheet music for that song. If you will email thehawkstrio@gmail.com, I will be happy to send it to you. =)
DeleteHi!!! Warm greetings from the Philippines! :)
ReplyDeleteI really love your covers and songs. It's all heart-warming, and I praise God for that. I'm actually interested to buy a copy of each CDs you've produced.
I hope to hear from you soon! Best regards and keep on singing for our Lord! God bless. :)
With lots of love,
Krizyll :)
Thank you, Krizyll! If you would like to order, you may email thehawkstrio@gmail.com. Please include your mailing address and which CDs you would like to order. Thanks! =)
DeleteI wish i could have your piece of choir sheet.. Huhuhu we really want to have that cause we want it to sing. But suddenly I didn't find the copy of it's under the blood ..
ReplyDeleteIt isn't on the website, but if you will email thehawkstrio@gmail.com, I can email it to you. =)
DeleteI am trying to get sheet music, "Under the blood".. how do I get it?
ReplyDeleteI've recently discovered that sometimes I am not getting email notifications for comments. 😕 I apologize for that! You may email thehawkstrio@gmail.com for the sheet music.
DeleteLooking forward to receiving 2 cds I just ordered!
ReplyDeleteI've recently discovered that sometimes I am not getting email notifications for comments! If you did email us but did not receive a reply, please let me know. I try to keep check on emails that go to Spam, but I could have missed it.
DeleteDo you have any of the Moore family soundtracks? Particularly interested in It's Through the Blood. Or would you have an idea where I could find it?
ReplyDeleteI apologize for the delay in replying. They now sell their CDs on their website, https://utah4christ.com/.
DeleteHi, I would like to know how to purchase the music sheet of the song Only one way. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, since all the girls mostly play by ear, we don't have sheet music for their songs, so don't actually know where to look for it. The only sheet music we have is for It's Under the Blood, that was provided to us by the author. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you!
DeleteHi I really like the song it's under the blood, would you be able to email me the sheet music please?
ReplyDeleteSure! Just email thehawkstrio@gmail.com and we will email it to you. =)
DeleteHi! I was wondering if you still sell CD soundtracks. I am interested in the soundtrack for CD#2 and possibly more. My email address is naomimeeks@gmail.com. Thank you so much :-)
ReplyDeleteYes, we are still selling CDs. I have sent you an email. =)
DeleteHi! I recently came across your music on YouTube and love it! I am hoping to purchase CD 3 & CD 4 as well as the soundtracks for both. you can email me at jhardin0822@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you and God bless! :)
ReplyDeleteHi, Jennifer! I emailed you a reply last evening. Let me know if you did not receive it. =)
DeleteI've wanted to by the CD from your songs but you say your out of stock? The dates you have are out of date and not current ... so I don't know where would I be able to buy one of your CD's from Hawk Trio. I'm a born again child of God ... saved by Grace I've been in some Fundamental Baptist Churches but non to call my own at this point live in Zion, IL for now as the Lord leads in my life ... God Speed!
ReplyDeleteHi, yes, we are out of stock on one CD, Only One Way, but we still have the others available.
DeleteIf you would like to order any of the other CDs, you may email thehawkstrio@gmail.com.
God bless! 🙂
Hello! I just sent an email, would you be able to email me the sheet music immediately? Thank you
ReplyDeleteYes, I'll do it right now. I just checked and your email had gone to spam!
DeleteGlad that you thought to leave a comment here as well. =)
Hello- I just sent an email requesting sheet music for “It’s Under The Blood” a couple of minutes ago (I forgot to mention, in the email, that I think we want the C one)- after reading through some of these comments, I’m seeing that sometimes these requests sneak through to the spam folder, so figured I’d also comment here to better my chances of being seen lol- and also hoping it’s not too late to request, as I see the original post seems to be from 2015 or earlier- you’ve done an amazing job keeping up with it, by the way, from the looks of your responses/ interactions in the comments :)
ReplyDeleteThanks! I did see your email, but wise to comment here as well. I do try to remember to check the spam more often now. 🙂