Some of these are free to listen or watch online, denoted by an asterisk.* Others are available for purchase, but are highly recommended, as coming from good, godly families. =)
- *Why Read Your Bible, by Bro. Sam Gipp
- *The Will of God and Your Purity, by Bro. Johnny Pope
Click for printable scripture notes. The message starts around 7½ minutes.
Search YouTube for Johnny Pope.
Bro. Pope is also on facebook and writes excellent articles full of wisdom. - *"Modesty and Identity" and "Strengthening Your Commitment to Sexual Purity" by Bro. Clarence Sexton. These messages are found at Truths for Teens.
( > Resources > Teens for Christ > Truths for Teens)
Bro. Sexton is pastor of Temple Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, and founder of The Crown College of the Bible. - *Bro. S. M. Davis - Search YouTube for S. M. Davis. Bro. Davis has messages on courtship, character, rebellion, family, marriage, anger, children, etc. Website:
If you're not able to purchase new books, look for used copies on Amazon or ebay. Look for sellers who have high ratings, but also have many ratings. Check the return policies of each seller. Also, many times Amazon will let you read a preview of the book.
*Many older books may have old-looking editions on Amazon, that are free for Kindle. You will need an Amazon account. You can even have a free Kindle App on a computer or other device.
*Many older books may have old-looking editions on Amazon, that are free for Kindle. You will need an Amazon account. You can even have a free Kindle App on a computer or other device.
- FEATURED: Character-Building Books for Children - Little Builders Character Series by Tabetha Siceloff. Each book focuses on a character-building trait. The first book, The Best Cake Ever, teaches the importance of following instructions.
- Books by Jerry Ross: Stay in the Castle (a fiction story within a true story - good for pre-teens and teens), The Childhood Years of Jesus Christ (for parents), The Teenage Years of Jesus Christ (for pre-teens, teens, and for parents), and more.
- In His Steps, by Charles M. Sheldon
*This book is free for Kindle. - Before You Meet Prince Charming, by Sarah Mally -- A book for teen girls about being content to wait. Don't think you will only start your life after you meet the right one. Be productive now. Don't think of it as "waiting" but "being." And "be" where God wants you to be, doing what God wants you to do. And when that man you're supposed to marry is also in the right place at the right time, your paths will cross.
- The Hiding Place, by Corrie Ten Boom

Read on Christian Classics, June-August, 2011
♪♫ Music:
- *Old Fashioned Christian Music Radio is an all-music station that plays Christian music that glorifies the Lord.
- *The John Marshall Family has a lot of good music ♪♫ with a good message. Here is a collection of youtube video/audio links.
- * is a ministry of North Valley Baptist Church. KNVBC provides Christian music and programming to equip, encourage, and challenge Christians. The pastor of North Valley Baptist Church is Bro. Jack Trieber. Scroll down and click Listen Now or Ways to Listen.
♪♫ Music to Purchase:
- Stephen Ray Nichols and family - This family has good Christian music, much of which was written by Bro. Nichols himself. Here is one of my favorites - God Wanted It That Way
Hear more samples. - The Lovette Family
(details and contact information coming soon)
A Poem by Fanny J. Crosby
"Oh, what a happy soul I am,
Although I cannot see;
I am resolved that in this world
Contented I will be.
How many blessings I enjoy,
That other people don't!
To weep and sigh because I'm blind,
I cannot, nor I won't."
written at age 8 or 9 by Fanny J. Crosby (1820-1915)
If you think you are too unimportant, too "little," too this or that, to do something for Jesus, think again! This lady wrote thousands of hymns in her lifetime! So maybe you can't write hymns. But do you know someone that isn't saved? Have you witnessed to them? It is kind of scary if you've never done it. Fear of rejection is scary. But if you start praying and reading your Bible daily, with the intent of learning and getting something from it, soon you will begin to feel excited about what you are learning, and you'll really want to share Jesus with others!
If you are reading this and have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour, and the only way to heaven, please read these verses.
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