Thursday, August 31, 2023

Callie singing "Little by Little"

This is Rebekah's oldest daughter, Callie.  She got saved in February of this year. However it's really cold in Nebraska at that time of year, so she didn't get baptized until this month, the same day she sang this song.  Rebekah is playing the piano.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

from Abigail...

Never had to take my Christmas tree down before Christmas, but here goes...🤪

Jack completed the 1 year Bible program at West Coast and began classes at The University of South Florida. 
I decided to move to Tennessee and study at The Crown College of the Bible with 2 weeks notice.

Jack graduated with Bachelors in Business, travelled to India and Israel, came to Crown with 2 weeks notice, as well.
I studied in England for 4 months, then travelled in a tour group for the summer and visited Canada (which was also a very last minute decision lol).
Jack and I met August of 2018. 😍🙌🏼🥰

Engaged March 4th.
We were married August 3rd. 

Holland was born in October.
And now we are moving to Florida December 11th!

All that to say, there is a pattern. Lol.
We have been planning to move closer to Jack's family on January 31st. But it seems the Lord has opened a door for us to go early!
We are so sad to be leaving Knoxville, but also thrilled about what the Lord has in store for us in Florida.
We pray God's continued grace as we follow Him all over His beautiful creation!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Little Miss Holland ♥

This past week, Abigail Hawks Mitten was blessed with the birth of her little girl, Holland.  The Lord gave her a good, short, and safe delivery.  We are thankful that both baby and mother are doing great!  Little Miss Holland is the 4th generation to carry the middle name of Ruth. 
Our hearts are full!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Baby Shower! ❤

Our family and friends came together earlier this week to throw a Treehouse Baby Shower for Abigail and her husband, Jack Mitten. Their baby girl is due in October. We are so blessed!
Please keep them in your prayers. Thank you!

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

TGFC - Men's Trio

We are happy to announce a new men's trio, This Generation for Christ, featuring Caleb Moore (Rebekah's husband) and friends Forester Myers and Seth Siceloff.
For more information, please scroll down on our Order page.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

It's Wedding Day! ♥

Abigail Hawks will soon be Mrs. Jack Mitten. Pray for them as they begin their lives together today.

Friday, April 27, 2018

The Hawks Trio will be singing May 8, 2018

Mt. Bethel Baptist Church
Mt. Bethel Baptist Church
4332 Mt Bethel Church Rd
East Bend, NC 27018

Pastor Bobby Watts
Sun-Thurs, May 6-10, 2018

Sunday, April 15, 2018

What is man, that thou art mindful of him?

This photo of Carn mor Dearg Arete, the spine of Britain's highest mountain Ben Nevis, Scotland, was recently sent to us by Bro. Noel Hughes, pastor of Ballyclare Free Presbyterian Church in Northern Ireland.

Two of the trio (in different years) visited this church during their 4 month mission trip in England, with a group from their college.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Once upon a time, my daughter, Abigail Hawks, was small.   We prayed many times over needs that we had, and we watched God answer.  Those answered prayers built her faith that God would ALWAYS hear and meet her needs.  Her whole college experience has been achieved through prayer and trust in God's provision. Now, she's stepping out on faith in our Big God, and going to England for a semester of missionary work.  AGAIN, our Father has proven Himself faithful.  This video is from when she opened the check from my dad's church, Grace Baptist Church in Fulk's Run, VA. It's a huge gift from a small, big-hearted church.
Many individuals have given to help her.  Our Sunday School class gave her a very generous amount.   (Thank you, parents!)  God bless you all.
Then, to top it off, our own church, Liberty Baptist Church,  took up an amazing offering yesterday!  To say that we're grateful is an understatement!  As the pastor's family,  we would never ask for anything for ourselves.  We are so thankful that our church family was so generous to our girl.   God's going to use her on another continent for these next 4 months.  God bless all who had a part (your money is your blood, sweat, tears, and time).  We are so thankful. To God be the glory! Great things He hath done!

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect Peace

“Discouraged people always overstate their problems…” I chuckled to myself when I first heard this statement. As I sat in one of the services at Crown College’s Youth Congress a couple weeks ago I thought, “Yes, I have done it!

 Being home all day with a 2-year-old and a 1-year-old I often get overwhelmed and discouraged. Some days the house isn’t getting cleaned, my piano students will be at my house in one hour, no one has had lunch or a nap,  and we’re all still in our pj’s.

 A simple task that should only take 10 minutes drags out through the whole day.
My husband Caleb comes home from work…I go on a little rant about how I haven’t even been able to sit down or get one single productive thing done!

 But as I thought on the subject over the last little while the Lord showed me that it’s not always the circumstances hindering you from doing what needs to be done, in any area of life, it’s your state of mind.

 Sometimes all I can think about is the next task at hand…can I do it all???
The answer that I have come to accept is NO!
We were not created to be self-reliant.
We were created to need our Creator.

 The Holy Spirit wants to be in us and work through us.
By giving up on ourselves and relying on God to help us through the day it makes us free of the load that life gives.

 I don’t want to live in a chaotic state of mind.
A verse that has been a great encouragement is Isaiah 26:3 “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”

 I want to trust God to be able to meet my every need! And by focusing, not on my busy day, but on the Lord, my mind is at peace, my heart is content, and my joy is full.

 Loving God with our minds takes effort. I need to have him always in my thoughts.
There are so many things in each day as a mom, wife, and christian that I must have wisdom and guidance…and I’m learning more and more that I need Him every moment!

 I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.  
For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.  Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.
Psalm 16:8-11

“Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer”

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Lovette Family ♪♫

The Lovette Family has been friends of ours for several years.  They are a sweet family with a desire to serve the Lord, and we would like to share their family's CD with our viewers.  =)

Bobby and DeAnna Lovette and their children attend Bethel Baptist Church in Wilksboro, NC. Bro. Bobby is a bus captain, and they work together in the bus ministry as a family.  Their daughter Anna plays the piano for the junior choir at their church and is also the pianist on the CD.  This is their church's YouTube channel.

DeAnna's Grandfather and Grandmother started singing together as a family over 60 years ago.  They sang and recorded 3 albums.  That was the inspiration for the Lovette family to make a CD.  They want to continue the heritage of singing gospel music for others to enjoy.

Another Grandfather of the Lovette's used to own a store.  A man was putting up crosses in towns in America that had a name of a town in the Bible.  He came by the store and asked if they knew where the town of Mulberry was located... It was right there at his store!  So he asked the grandfather if he knew who was the owner of that land, because he would like to put up those crosses.  So the crosses in the picture on the CD are on their grandfather's land.

Their first album is dedicated to the Lovette family's grandparents.  They wanted it to be honoring and sentimental for both sides of the family.

CD #1 - Stand for Jesus (2016)

1.  His Life for Mine
2.  Justified
3.  I Can Trust Jesus
4.  Even in the Valley
5.  The Lord is Good (listen)
6.  Stand for Jesus (listen)
7.  What a Wonderful Way to End This Journey (listen)
     (written by DeAnna Lovette; music by Anna Lovette)
8.  I’ve Made Up My Mind
9.  Put a Little Sunshine In
10.  Made by Mercy
11.  Goodly Heritage
12.  A Love That Won’t Stop

CD #2 - My Hope (2020)

1. He Lives in Me 
2. Little by Little 
3.  My Hope
4.  Saved, Hallelujah 
5.  Altogether Lovely 
6.  That Day is Almost Here
7.  More Than Wonderful 
9.  I Know My God Can Do It
10. I Am Redeemed
11. Finish Well
12.  Did I Mention 

CD #3 - Up Ahead (2022)

1.  Up Ahead
2.  There is Jesus
3.  Champion of Love
4.  What a Meeting in the Air
5.  My Home 
6.  Glad Reunion Day 
7.  Jesus Never Fails
8.  All Along
9.  He is Mine and I am His
10. He'll Hold to my Hand
11. The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power 
12.  I've Won 

To order, please contact the Lovette family: 
facebook: The Lovette Family
phone:  (336) 984-6341

Friday, June 30, 2017

Abigail's Graduation

Abigail with Pastor Clarence Sexton 

Abigail graduated May 8, 2017, from the Foundation for Christian Life Program, a one-year  Bible course, at The Crown College of The Bible in Powell, Tennessee. She received a certificate for this course that includes the main Bible classes for all four years of any course taken at the college. 

The Servant's Towel -- Each Crown College graduate is presented with a towel embroidered with John 13:12-17.  The embroidered towel symbolizes the principle of biblical leadership.  These verses give us the words of our Lord, "If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought  to wash one another's feet.  For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." 

Abigail with her 5 brothers.  =) 

Graduation breakfast

Abigail and Bethany are working at the camp there at the college.  They will be home a few days in August before going back for the fall semester.

Please be in prayer for these girls this summer as they work and pray and give their time and hearts to the new kids they meet each week at camp.  Already more than 40 have been saved this summer!  Many of those were bus kids and about 9-10 were teenagers!!  

Please pray for the ones who gave their lives to Christ, and for the bus workers, Sunday school teachers, and others that will follow up and disciple these new baby Christians.  

I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” Luke 15:7

This coming week is Youth Congress week, and the girls are scheduled to sing Wednesday night.  If we can retrieve the YouTube link after the service, we will post it for anyone who is interested. =)

Thursday, April 27, 2017

♫♪ The Hawks Trio - May 9, 2017

With 2 young ladies in college (and being gone during summers), and one married with 2 little ones, The Hawks Trio does not get to sing together as often!
The college ladies will be home for a brief time next month before going back to work at the camp in Tennessee.  While here, the trio has the privilege of singing at Mount Bethel Baptist Church in East Bend, NC.

Mount Bethel Baptist Church
4332 Mt Bethel Church Rd 
East Bend, NC 27018
(google maps)

Pastor Bobby Watts

Tuesday, May 9, 2017
7:00 pm 

Bro. Joe Arthur
in Jonesboro, GA 

The Hawks Trio 
Bro. Joe Arthur

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Today a lady left a comment on the website saying she had emailed for sheet music...  I searched our email for her name and found that her email had been sent to Spam!  So I checked the Spam (492 emails, lol) and found a total of 6 emails that were to the Trio, that had gone to Spam!  

And because our email only retains the last 30 days' worth of emails in Spam, I have no idea how many others may have emailed prior that never received a reply. =\

If you have emailed us and never received a reply, I greatly apologize, and please do email again.  We reply to each and every email, unless of course, it is obviously real spam.  =D
I will definitely keep check to catch any more like this!

Thank you for your patience, and may God bless you.  

The Hawks Family =)

June, 2010