Saturday, August 18, 2012

Memory Verse Game!

Wow!  It's been a while since we posted anything on here.  :(  Things have been so busy.  I'm sure everyone could say that at this time of the year.  =)
A couple weeks ago the Lord gave me an idea.  I found a neat way to learn my memory verses, faster than I normally could.  If you're like me at all you probably have a hard time memorizing Bible verses...or anything for that matter!  I try and TRY but it just leaves me!  And I especially can't remember the references.  Well, my Mom had gotten a cute little can (that is really for recipes, I think) and she gave it to me because I wanted to put index cards in it with some Bible verses on them that I was trying to learn.  Like I said, it's not easy for me to memorize...BUT..I came up with a game to ''play''.  I began writing references on one side of the card and on the other side I wrote out the Bible verse.  When I got about 10 index cards like that I began going through each card at a time looking at the reference trying to guess what the verse was on the other side that matched that reference.  Then I would switch and read the verse and try to guess the reference.  =)  I'm sure this is not something that no one else has ever thought of..but I have never heard of anyone else doing it before.  Now, my cousin, Beka, is doing it, too.  We are able to encourage each other to memorize more and more verses.  We can get together and go over our index cards together...or even do it over the phone!  :)  Beka has been doing this for just a few days..and she has 30 cards!  More than me!  She doesn't get them ALL right....but she's making progress.  We have been doing it along with our devotions and it's just a lot of fun.
Well, I hope this encourages you to memorize some Bible verses, too!!
Here are some good verses that I'm working on.  =)
Psalm 119:9,10,11 - ''Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word.  With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.  Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.''

Phil .4:13

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