Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Story that Lives - CD #4 sample song

Our recording man sent us the finished songs to proof, so next is getting the CDs duplicated and packaged!  We hope to have the CDs ready in a couple of weeks or so.


  1. Hi I have been listening to Y'all's music and just wanted to tell y'all that y'all are doing an amazing job. This song has really spoken to my heart

  2. Do you have a live version of this for us to show at our church during Covid times up here in NJ for a special? Just wondering :) Thanks. Lisa

    1. I am sorry, we don't.  When the ladies recorded that song 3 years ago, by that time they were rarely getting to sing together anymore... 
      However, you are welcome to play the audio, if you wish. =)

      To my knowledge, I don't know of anyone that recorded them actually singing that song in church.  All our videos and others I have come across online are in this playlist.  If I come across one, I will certainly add it to the list.  =)
