

  1. How do we go about getting you to come and sing at our church? Pastor Stansell

    1. Hello, Pastor Stansell,
      Since Bethany has been in college out of state, they haven't been singing much, except for a few local churches where the remaining two have sung a few times. And Bethany is also gone for the summer because she is traveling and singing with one of the college tour groups. She will only be home for a few days this fall before returning to college.
      But thank you so much for the invitation!
      ~Marty Hawks, mom to Rebekah & Bethany, aunt to Abigail

  2. What a pity that they did not continue together praising the Lord, so good voices, even if they are in the Lord how good if they had continued singing together. Amen

    1. We would love it if they were still able to sing together!
      My older daughter was married in 2014, and that fall my younger daughter went to college.  My niece went to college the next year.  For awhile, they did still sing when they were all home, but my niece was married this past fall and is now living in another state.  
      We really miss the days of them being at each other's homes, and playing the piano and singing any time they were together.  They *may possibly sing together now and then when they are together in their home churches, but it's not so often anymore, and we sure miss it!
